Sunday, March 28

Through The Darkness And Rain Returns Our Hero...

Just over two months ago I had take a hiatus from my blog.  I was preparing to move to Vancouver to pursue my dream of becoming a game designer.  Moving involved many tasks and took my mind away from the small delights of gaming.  It also forced me to save money in anyway I could; I cancelled my game pass at Blockbuster, I did not renew my Xbox Live account, and I had to work more which meant less time spent playing great games.  Now after two long months I have returned to the digital world to continue my pursuit of epic games.  And I have returned with a bang.

I have decided to change my blog slightly.  I will continue to review games because I feel strongly about preserving great games for all time and I will keep playing new titles and old favorites.  The changes will bring more content to my blog.  I have found articles on the Internet about game design, I have my own ideas that I would like to bring to you, and I imagine that I will also have plenty to discuss once my studies begin.  This increase in content will keep it updated more often, which will help with my own diligence to the blog.

Now it is time to reveal my first offering to you with my return.  I know every single one of you is dying to ask me the very same question, “Boots, if you were to choose one hundred games of all time, what would they be?  And in what order would you place them?” 

No longer must you wait!  I have used the last two and a half weeks to painstakingly hand pick my favorite games of all time.  I have placed them in an order that directly relates to my all time favorite games plus how they have influenced the game world.  I should define how a game becomes good in my eyes.  The one single purpose of video games is to be a form of entertainment, so the game must simply be fun to play.  I also enjoy when games have excellent stories, great twists, difficult puzzles, beautiful graphics, and bring people together.  As you walk through the halls of the greatest games of all time you will quickly see what kinds of games I enjoy and which games I prefer to play.  Another note on this list, a game can only become one of my favorite games if I have actually played it.  You will notice there is only one Wii game, I do not own a Wii and therefore cannot say that certain games are good.  I do not want to hear some of you wail about how good a game is and how dumb I am for not including it when I have never played it.  This goes for many PS3 titles too.  I will admit that my list might change if I were to have played more games but I guarantee that your list would change if you were to play some of my favorite games.

Enjoy kids, I recommend every single one of these games to each of you.  



  1. I must emphasize in the most vigorous of language how truly disappointed I am by your so-called "100 Video Games of All Time IMO". Not only did it favour particular franchises with the utmost disregard for unbiased journalistic integrity, it also mentioned very little of several genres to which many could ascribe some of the best games of all time. Your bias and prejudice has been revealed through your complete lack of literary thoroughness and judicial ethic. I cannot accept the incredible partialities to video games which seem to you to be better based on metrics created by your own volition. Furthermore, your tendency as revealed through your general discourse and obvious historical and nostalgic indulgence has truly led me to believe that, while your blog may have discredited itself through the cliched and much mistreated term "in my opinion", your opinions themselves are both clouded and distorted. Indeed, the few games listed that did not pander to your own hubrus in selection were not only few and far between, but also found themselves in a completely incorrect placing in your inventory.

    May I reiterate my extreme disappointment, and end with the words of a noble frenchman whose words seems particularly appropriate in expressing my ingratitude at having wasted so much time with your malignant and putrid detritus. "I fart in your general direction".

  2. I most emphasize in the most vigorous of language that this is quite a brilliant execution of personal insight into the video gaming culture. Those of us who spend more than their fair share in front of screen and a fair few nights dreaming of the perfect character must thank this modern protagonist. He who toils for us, and through pressure will turn out this flawless gem of gaming nostalgia. This "boots" should be thanked for letting us relive those surreal moments in worlds that cannot be physically expressed except in the 2D world which I seem to be tenderly enveloped in. I forever hope that others will show the courage to discern a list that doesn't just go with mainstream ideas; a rebellion against the present spirit of gaming and a glimpse of the years of tradition.

    Surely some will disagree with the choices made, but it is the unwise that voice such disillusions as these voices drown out the muted voice of our games. Games are not in competition, just as game designers aren't. Both have a passion and would like to give back to an individual who decides that this journey is a worth while one. The few who say that this is a waste of time are those who play a game to consume it. These are people who destroy the arts, and I say arts because video games have become art. To play through a masterpiece is like observing a Rembrandt, or listening to Vivaldi and can further oneself, or can be simply passed by. It saddens me to think that those unenlightened individuals crowd the world and will never know the true meaning of a campaign or quest. I challenge these people to help our culture instead of destroying it.

    - Summer Glau
